Working at Muscat Opera House
Paul’s main job is programming the lighting for visiting and in-house productions for the opera’s two theatres, one 1100 seat opera house and one 550 seat house of musical arts, but he is also responsible for the management and maintenance of the lighting control network infrastructure, and for training local technicians on lighting equipment, and skills such as production electrics and programming. He also helps out with rigging and maintenance on stage when possible, both to support the team, and because he enjoys the hands-on work and opportunity for a free work-out.
Being able to move abroad and experience life in a different country was, to Paul, the main attraction about the Muscat opportunity, although it meant giving up freelancing for at least a few years. While he loves the variety and freedom of freelancing, this potential new life experience was worth it to him.
How Paul’s Rose Bruford College experience jumpstarted his career
“Rose Bruford really encourages independent thinking and instils an approach to problem solving that genuinely helps you in day-to-day work. The level of practical experience you can gain and the independence to go and pursue the areas of the entertainment industry that most interest you mean you leave university with experience that allows you to dive straight into a successful and rewarding career.”
Paul really enjoyed the integration between courses at Rose Bruford, which gave him plenty of opportunities to collaborate on projects throughout the three years of his degree. He says some of the shows he worked on during that time were the most fun he’d ever had: “That attitude has carried on through the rest of my career too – even the hardest days are enjoyable when you’re around people you can have a laugh with.”
On top of that, Paul recommends the programme for the access it provides to industry professionals, and sees his degree not only as a skills investment, but also as a gateway to opportunity, and an investment in the rest of his life – “I can trace the vast majority of my work back to my time spent at Bruford and the people I met while I was there.”
While at Rose Bruford Paul also ran the student bar for a year and half, and really appreciated the lively and friendly social scene on campus.
Paul’s Message to students and applicants:
“I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. If you have an interest in the entertainment business, the commitment to a rewarding but intensive degree, and the independence to push forward your own learning, there’s no better place to be.”