Rose Bruford College is committed to best practices in all aspects of corporate governance and has adopted the Committee of University Chairs’ Higher Education Code of Governance, which the Board of Governors reviews each year to ensure the College remains fully compliant with it. The College endeavours to conduct its business in accordance with the seven ‘Nolan’ principles of public life.

Constitution and powers

Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance is registered under the Companies Act 2006 as a company limited by guarantee without share capital and was incorporated in 1952 (00508616). The College is a registered charity, number 307907. All governors are directors of the company and trustees of the charity.

The Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is responsible for determining the strategy and mission of the College, ensuring the efficient use of resources, and approving the annual estimates of income and expenditure.

The Board can establish committees for any purpose or function other than those assigned elsewhere in its Articles of Association to the Principal or the Academic Board or designated as the sole responsibility of the Board. The four main committees are the Audit Committee, Finance and General Purpose Committee, Governance Committee, and Remuneration Committee. All committees are formally constituted with written terms of reference and comprise a majority of independent members, one of whom is designated the Chair. The decisions of the Committees are formally reported to the Board.

The Board appoints a Secretary who provides independent advice on governance matters to all members.

The College’s Articles of Association set out the Board’s responsibilities:

6.7  The Board of Governors shall be responsible for:

6.7.1 the determination of the educational character and mission of the College and for oversight of its activities;

6.7.2 the effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the College and safeguarding its assets;

6.7.3 approving annual estimates of income and expenditure;

6.7.4 by making regulations or Byelaws regulating the appointment, grading, appraisal, suspension, dismissal and determination of the pay and conditions of service of and the assignment of duties to the holders of senior posts and such other staff as the Board of Governors may from time to time determine to be holders of senior posts.

6.7.5 The Board of Governors shall also have a responsibility as employers for setting frameworks for the appointment, assignment, grading, appraisal, suspension and dismissal of and for the pay and conditions of service of other staff

Full Articles of Association


Our Governors

The College’s policies specify that the Board shall comprise not less than 12 and no more than 24 members. These shall include:

  • Up to 20 independent governors – the Board currently includes 15 independent governors
  • One nominated member of the academic staff
  • One nominated member of the professional services staff
  • Two student governors – the Board appoints the current President of the Students’ Union to one governor post

The College’s Chief Executive, the Principal, is an ex officio member of the Board. Appointments to the Board are considered by the Governance Committee, which makes recommendations for the Board’s approval.

Meet our staff

Academic Board

The Academic Board is responsible for the quality of the student experience, the quality and standards of the College’s awards and for providing advice to the Principal on the strategic direction of the College’s academic activity. The Academic Board provides the Board with assurance that the College’s academic strategy, governance and practice are fit for purpose and approves new additions and revisions to academic policy. It oversees all academic provisions through its regulatory, quality management and enhancement frameworks. The Principal chairs it, and its membership consists of Executive members and non-executive members elected from the academic and student communities.

All Board members must:

  • Be of good character.
  • Have the qualifications, competence, skills and experience that are necessary for their role
  • Be able by reason of their health, after reasonable adjustments are made, to properly perform the tasks of the office or position for which they are appointed.
  • Have not been responsible for, been privy to, contributed to, or facilitated any serious misconduct or mismanagement (whether unlawful or not) in their employment or in the conduct of any entity with which they are or have been associated

All Board members must confirm in writing that they will abide by the seven Nolan Principles, which set the basis of ethical standards expected of public officeholders.  All Board members are required to make an annual submission of all business interests, which are scrutinised by the College’s external auditors.

The College is proud to attract a wide range of talented and experienced individuals who dedicate considerable time and effort to support the College.

Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance is registered under the Companies Act 2006 as a company limited by guarantee without share capital and was incorporated in 1952 (00508616). The College is a registered charity, number 307907.  All governors are directors of the company and trustees of the charity.

The Board of Governors follows a rigorous process of self-evaluation and improvement.

Policies and Procedures 


Leadership & Management

The Principal is our Chief Executive Officer and is accountable to the Board for the organisation, direction and management of the College. The Principal is the Accountable Officer, as required under the Office for Students’ ongoing conditions of registration (E3), with the responsibilities set out under Regulatory Advice 10. The Principal is supported and advised by the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). This group is the senior leadership and executive decision-making group for the College and oversees the long-term academic and financial sustainability and the implementation of medium and short-term strategies. SLT also manages corporate risk and progresses the business of the Board.

It is chaired by the Principal and its membership consists of the Deputy Principal, the Director of Finance and Operations and the Academic Registrar. Directors of some academic professional services may also attend SLT. The College is organised into two schools, each led by a Head of Undergraduate School and a Head of Postgraduate School.

Financial Reports

2023-2024 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2022-2023 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2021-2022 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2020-2021 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2019-2020 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2018-2019 Annual Report and Financial Statements

2017-2018 Annual Report and Financial Statements

Financial Regulations


Published Minutes – Board of Governors – 25 January 2024

Published Minutes – Board of Governors – 6 July 2023

Published Minutes – Board of Governors – 4 May 2023

Published Minutes – Board of Governors – 23 March 2023

Published Minutes – Board of Governors – 26 January 2023


Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2021/22

Remuneration Committee Annual Report 2020/2021