Rose Bruford College is committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of College life. The College has a zero-tolerance policy in regards to any acts of discrimination or harassment by staff or students, whether intentional or not.
We aim to support all our students and staff, and respect all protected characteristics as outlined by the Equality Act 2010. The act is a legal framework that advances equality for all and protects against discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, gender identity, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation. We also acknowledge the inequalities around social class and socio economics.
We recognise that in the past the College may not have done enough to understand the lived experience of students and staff from backgrounds underrepresented in its community. We now work closely with a range of specialists and organisations that centre such lived experience and expertise, to ensure that the College becomes actively anti- discriminatory, anti-racist and inclusive. We are doing this through training for all staff and students, focussed discussion at College Committees and supporting EDI projects, particularly relating to diversification of the curriculum. We are working to find ways to acknowledge the legacy and history of the College estate.
In fulfilling our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion, the College is actively working to identify and deconstruct the social inequalities that it may inadvertently uphold in its activity. To support this, we ensure that all staff are fully informed of their responsibility to promote and maintain equality and inclusion. Through our values we aim to actively create and maintain an anti-discriminatory and inclusive environment in which the individual is respected accountable for their own behaviour, alongside working to dismantle the societal structures that do not support our efforts for inclusion and equity.