We are committed to promoting equality, diversity and inclusivity in all aspects of College life on campus and online. Harassment, bullying, intimidation, discrimination, and inappropriate behaviour (for example, racism, sexual misconduct, sexual violence, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and sexism) are not tolerated.

If you are experiencing, or have experienced, or have witnessed any such incident at Rose Bruford College, please report it to us. We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination by students, staff, and visitors, whether intentional or unintentional.

We promise to listen carefully and sensitively and take appropriate action where needed. There are two ways to report: anonymously, so that we can broadly understand any problem areas, or with contact details so that we can provide further advice, support, and take action.

How do I get support?

If you are in a crisis and need support urgently, dial 999!
For personal wellbeing support or to chat about your concerns, contact student services: Support for current students (9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday when the College is open) and Crisis and out-of-hours support (evenings, weekends, and holidays).

How do I report a concern?

Anyone can use our reporting tool to report a concern or incident related to diversity, equality, and inclusivity at Rose Bruford. There are two ways to tell us about what happened.

Report anonymously

You can submit this form without providing your contact details:

Submit a report

Choosing to report anonymously means we won’t be able to contact you once we’ve received the report to offer advice or support or speak to you about your concern. However, the information you report will inform prevention work across Rose Bruford College and help us better support others. Please note that reporting anonymously will not lead to formal action being taken.

Report and speak to a caseworker

By choosing to provide your contact details, we’ll be able to provide you with support, let you know about your options, and help prevent something similar from happening to anyone else.

Once you submit the report, a caseworker will contact you as soon as possible, at least within five working days.

Completing the report form does not constitute a formal complaint. The caseworker will talk through options, and we will support you if you wish to report an incident to the Police and/or make a formal complaint.

Complete the form and be contacted here.


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